The Laws of Niddah

The Laws of Niddah

Complete Hebrew Text of the Chochmas Adam Plus English Translation & Commentary

Author: Dr. Yehoshua Cohen
ISBN(s): 1880582406
Article Number: 999800014043
Language: HE/EN
Publisher: Judaica Press New York
390 pages

More than two hundred years ago, Rabbi Avraham Danzig was asked by European Torah authorities to produce a work which would summarize all the laws in the Yoreh Deah section of the Shulchan Aruch. The result -- Sefer Chochmas Adam -- has become a modern classic. To this day, it remains the only published guide to provide a complete, yet succinct, review of these important halachos.

Sefer Chochmas Adam was written in consultation with two of the greatest Torah scholars of the time -- Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and Rabbi Yaakov of Lisa (the Chavos Da'as). Reportedly, even the Chasam Sofer instructed his son that when he had to to make a halachic decision and he couldn't refer to the Shulchan Aruch, he could look into the Chochmas Adam.

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