Chassidus Mvueres - חסידות מבוארת

Chassidus Mvueres - חסידות מבוארת

Moadim: Elul, Jamin Noraim, Sukkot, Chanukka   מועדים: אלול, ימים נוראים, סוכות, חנוכה

Article Number: 999800012684
Language: HE
Publisher: Heichel Menachem
484 pages

The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses from Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah (authored by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi). Each discourse is headed by a short introduction, summarizing its content. A line-by-line explanation follows, enabling even the beginner to grasp the concepts of Chasidut. Volume one covers discourses for the month of Elul, the festivals of Tishrei and Chanukah. Handsome, leather-like binding.

CHF 29.20
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