Beloved by All

Beloved by All

Rav Avraham Pam - a life of Kiddush Hashem

Author: Rabbi Shimon Finkelman
ISBN(s): 9781422605226
Article Number: 999800011554
Language: EN
Publisher: ArtScroll Series
320 pages

"No, no, no!" he told the caller. " How can you say you have no friends? I'm your friend."

The caller was sad and lonely. The speaker was Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov HaKohen Pam, Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Vodaath, where he taught Torah to thousands of talmidim for sixty-three years. After speaking to his "friend," the caller was less troubled, and surely less lonely.

Rav Pam blended wisdom and warmth, Torah greatness and the common touch, truth and kindness, He was the founder and moving spirit of Shuvu, and a guiding light of major organizations and institutions. It was natural that people sought his advice, assistance, and encouragement. Although his life belonged to Torah and talmidim, he found time to deal with important national and communal issues, and even the needs and problems of "ordinary" people -- because to him no Jew was ordinary.


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