Daily Dose of Torah - Volume 3: Weeks of Vayeishev through Vayechi

Daily Dose of Torah - Volume 3: Weeks of Vayeishev through Vayechi

Autor: Rabbi Yosaif Asher Weiss
ISBN(s): 1422601412
Artikelnummer: 999800010986
Sprache: HE/EN
Verlag: Artscroll/Mesorah
Gebundene Ausgabe
221 Seiten

For people on the go. For people who make their minutes count. For people who want the stimulation of classic Torah sources every single day. Even if you have a regular learning program, A Daily Dose will add more learning and excitement to your day - every day!

 This volume provides 4 weeks - that's 28 days - of provocative and enjoyable Daily Doses of Torah study, for the weeks of Bereishis through Vayeira.


Each day's learning program includes:

A Torah Thought for the Day

Mishnah of the Day

Gems from the Gemara

A Mussar Thought for the Day

Halachah of the Day

A Closer Look at the Siddur

Question for the Day

Taste of Lomdus (once a week)


All in 18 minutes a day!

CHF 29.50