Redemption Unfolding

Redemption Unfolding

Author: Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum
ISBN(s): 1583307745
Article Number: 999800009416
Language: EN
Publisher: Feldheim
185 pages

Did you know that our current day events were recorded in Torah sources thousands of years ago, with amazing accuracy?

Do you know that Torah sources reveal astounding logic behind the sequence of current world events?

Did you know that our Sages gave specific, unique responses required in our current situation?

The answers to the above questions, and more, are dealt with in this book, which explains the inner dimension of world events.

This book is divided into five parts. The first delves into the character traits of Yishmoel, Edom, and the erev rav, for they are the key to understanding our current exile. The second explains Golus Yishmoel itself, and where this golus is leading us. The third discusses the 'birth pangs of Moshiach.' The fourth section deals with 'the War of Gog and Magog,' signs of which are surfacing on the horizon. After we have examined the above issues, we can begin to understand the actions incumbent upon us as a response, which make up the fifth and final part of this book.

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