Chidushei HaRashba Al HaShas - חדושי הרשב''א על הש''ס

Chidushei HaRashba Al HaShas - חדושי הרשב''א על הש''ס

5 Vol Set   ה' כרכים

Autor: Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet (Rashba)
Artikelnummer: 999800008600
Sprache: HE
Verlag: Torah Educational Center / Zichron Yaakov
Gebundene Ausgabe

A famous commentary on the Talmud by one of the Rishonim, Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet (1235-1310).
He was a disciple of the Ramban and of Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona, and the teacher of the Ritva (Rabbi Yom Tov ibn Asevilli), and of Rabbi Bachya ben Asher.

CHF 80.60