Musar For Moderns

Musar For Moderns

Author: Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein
ISBN(s): 088125875X
Article Number: 999800007716
Language: EN
Publisher: Ktav
147 pages


Musar, one of the elevating and enriching fields of traditional Judaism, is the branch Torah which is devoted to ethical self-improvement, through study and conscientious practice. While Musar’s emphasis on personal spiritual growth is more timely than ever, most people think of it as belonging to Eastern Europe of a century ago. Western society seems to have erected roadblocks which make the task seem formidable. Can this practice be tackled by Jews who are connected to modernity? Musar for Moderns claims that it can, and must. The book endeavors to guide the reader in trying to overcome the obstacles to serious spiritual progress, while sensitively addressing the concerns and conflicts that typify the intellectual climate in our materialistic, media-saturated century.

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