The Koren Sacks Siddur

The Koren Sacks Siddur

Personal Size Hardcover 

Author: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (Translator)
ISBN(s): 9789653012172
Article Number: 999800016247
Language: HE/EN
Publisher: Koren Publishing
1244 pages
Dimensions: 13cm x 19cm

The Koren Sacks Siddur has been designed to provide a new tefilla experience that engages both the mind and the heart. The Siddur includes weekday, Shabbat, holiday and life cycle event tefillot and Torah and Haftara readings. Its unique features include:

Accessible Language that provides new ways to approach the Hebrew text. Precise, contemporary English translation. Modern Hebrew transliterations. 

Inspiring Commentary that stimulates the intellect and stirs the spirit. Eloquent introduction. Insightful explanations. 

Sophisticated Design that illuminates the text's inner meanings. Line-by-line graphic layout. Hebrew and English text alignment. Specially-designed fonts. 

Meaningful Tefillot that reinforce the Siddur's contemporary relevance. For Israel's government, soldiers and national holidays. For women after childbirth. On the birth of a daughter. 

Halakhic Guides that deepen understanding of Jewish practice. To the Jewish year. To daily, Shabbat and holiday prayer. For visitors to Israel. 

CHF 56.30
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