Nishmat Avraham

Nishmat Avraham

Volume 1: Orach Chaim 

Autor: Abraham S. Abraham
ISBN(s): 1578195764
Artikelnummer: 999800005468
Sprache: EN
Verlag: ArtScroll
Gebundene Ausgabe
389 Seiten

"By Abraham S. Abraham, M.D., FRCP. Medical Halachah for doctors, nurses, health-care personnel and patients. With this book, Dr. Abraham expands his 'practice' manifold, by adapting his magnum opus into English. One can hardly imagine a family that will not be forced at some point to make life-saving decisions that will require the knowledge and judgment contained in this book. Based on the Shulchan Aruch, this work is a necessity for every rabbi, physician, and library. Translated from the Hebrew Nishmat Avraham. "

CHF 58.10