A Voice Shall Sing Forth

A Voice Shall Sing Forth

Commentary of the Dubner Maggid on the Song of Songs

Autor: David M. Zucker (Translator)
ISBN(s): 9781598261806
Artikelnummer: 999800013829
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Feldheim
Gebundene Ausgabe
350 Seiten

Song of Songs is referred to as the Holiest of Holies, a deep, mystical expression of the love between G-d and His cherished nation. Delve into the true meaning of Shir HaShirim through the elucidation of the Dubno Maggid in this fascinating, easy-to-read commentary. This book gives the reader access to the powerful ideas of the Maggid in a comprehensible, lucid style.

CHF 36.00