The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

Confronting your challenges in the 21st century 

Author: Rabbi Abraham Twerski
ISBN(s): 1578197635
Article Number: 999800007950
Language: EN
Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah
247 pages

Though we are usually unaware of it, the lines of spiritual battle are drawn early in life and persist till our last day. In this intriguing book, the renowned Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. delineates how the tactics of the yetzer hara are carefully tailored to each individual and how tenaciously it attempts to hold us in its grip. And yet, Rabbi Twerski assures us, we each have the ability to triumph over temptation and live upright Jewish lives. Utilizing Torah wisdom and his deep insight into human psychology, he teaches us to galvanize our spiritual and emotional resources to battle the specific challenges inherent in today's lifestyle.

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