Sisters at Sinai

Sisters at Sinai

New Tales of Biblical Women 

Author: Jill Hammer
ISBN(s): 0827607261
Article Number: 999800005550
Language: EN
Publisher: Jewish Publication Society
295 pages

Perfect for women's studies courses, adult study groups, Confirmation classes and book groups, this exceptional anthology of 24 stories about the women in the Bible is now available in paperback. Drawing from the ancient tradition of midrash, the author brings to life the inner world and the experiences of these women, weaving rabbinic legends and imagination into the biblical texts. Readers will discover Lilith - not as the night demon alluded to in Isaiah, but as another aspect of Eve herself. Sarah is a moon priestess and as great a prophet as Abraham. Miriam was not merely a figure of song and dance, but also one of revelation, a source of Torah. These new stories were written to give biblical women the honor they deserve - due them as prophets, rulers, and teachers. The introduction to Sisters at Sinai offers the rationale and the need for midrash - the writing in the margins - expressing how it can be liberating as well as deeply comforting. Rabbi Jill Hammer is a senior associate at Ma'yan: The Jewish Women's Project of the JCC in Manhattan.

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