Machzor: Rosh Hashanah - Sefard

Machzor: Rosh Hashanah - Sefard

Hebrew Only 

Author: Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Editor), Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz (Editor)
ISBN(s): 1578193389
Article Number: 999800014634
Language: HE
Publisher: Artscroll/Mesorah
488 pages

The all-Hebrew ArtScroll Siddur has impressed many a person and whet many an appetite. Requests flooded in for the same kind of Rosh Hashanah Machzor. Here it is! Nusach Sefard only.

It has all the features of the very popular all-Hebrew Siddur, and more!:

The full Hebrew text completely reset in crisp, modern type
Sriptural sources
Clear, concise instructions
Select commentaries
Attractive, clear page layouts
High-quality opaque paper
Long-lasting binding

CHF 28.00
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