Haggadah: Illustrated Youth Edition

Haggadah: Illustrated Youth Edition

Fully illustrated, with the complete text, simplified translation and comments

Autor: Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Yitzchok Zev Scherman
ISBN(s): 0899062334
Artikelnummer: 999800002255
Sprache: HE/EN
Verlag: Artscroll/Mesorah
64 Seiten

There has never been a Haggadah that offers so much for all ages, especially for young people: The full text in large easy-to-read type; a new translation that is not only simple and accurate, but that adds words and phrases to clarify difficult passages; clear instructions throughout; more than 50 full-color illustrations that add beauty and inspiration to the Haggadah; and a selection of comments that give pleasure to the reader and can be read aloud at the Seder, so that every participant can be more involved in this high point in the life of every Jewish family.

Full color soil resistant laminated cover.

CHF 16.70